
Approaching the Poster project, I landed on representing "The Queen Of Spades" for it's theme of revenge. Before researching, I wasn't aware of just how dramatic Opera is/can be. Oftentimes, they are filled with tragedy, murder, addiction, terror, violence, etc. Certainly, they are not afraid to address everything from the comical to the macabre. "The Queen of Spades" follows this pattern as it is ultimately a tale of betrayal and revenge, centering on a man's desire to win a card game. He lies, cheats, and even kills to advance his goals, in the end, however, his victims get the last laugh. Moving onto the design, I wanted my poster to reflect this grittiness from the Opera. I was inspired by the expression of hand-drawn letterforms, and clung to red/black for its strong "evil" connotations together. I was really happy with how this turned out, I felt like I was wrestling with my design for the longest time. In the end, I feel the final form reads well and is a new approach to a well-known Opera.
Iteration 1
Iteration 1
Iteration 2
Iteration 2
Iteration 3
Iteration 3

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