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Recording of Hydrant Collection Website 


This Website was my absolute favorite project to take on. I allowed myself to have some fun with my collection, and I think that made all the difference in how I executed it! I chose to collect images of fire hydrants because my father was actually a firefighter for 27 years. Growing up, my Dad would collect firefighter memorabilia, anything from his own street fire-alarm to various souvenirs from different firehouses he stayed at. One thing I really enjoyed about his own collection was the variety in form. Different places would decorate in their own ways, which is what intrigued me to compile a list of the most unique designs I could find. Feel free to scroll through each and choose a favorite, I personally can't decide. I hope the website can act as a silly ode to firemen, as well as the community that surrounds us all. 

Active Collection Website Prototype

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